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Adding a Module

The steps involved in adding a module are:

  • Create a new .go file for your module in ./internal/kitsch/modules.
  • Add a struct that implements the Module interface.
  • Register your module.

An example​

Let's say we're writing a new module that shows the current Kubernetes context.

If you're not familiar with Kubernetes, it essentially manages a cluster of nodes running Docker containers for us. At any given point we're connected to a given cluster, which is specified by the "current context". To figure out what the current context is, all we need to do is read the YAML file in ~/.kube/config, and find the "current-context" key. The current context may have some unwieldly name like "my-company-prod", which we'd maybe like to shorten to just "prod". And maybe some contexts we don't even want to show.

In our configuration, we're going to want to have a "context alias" map which maps context names to what we'll actually show. We'll also want to let the user specify a different path to the config file, in case it's at a different location on their system. In terms of template variables, we'll want to return the current context name, and the unaliased name. We could also get the current Kubernetes namespace.

Define the module structs​

First of all, we need to defined some structs; one for our module itself, and one for the template variables we want to return. The module struct needs to have appropriate tags so it can be unmarshalled from YAML.

// KubernetesModule lets us know what Kubernetes context we are currently in.
type KubernetesModule struct {
// Type is the type of this module.
Type string `yaml:"type" jsonschema:",required,enum=kubernetes"`
// Symbol is a symbol to show if a Kubernetes context is detected. Defaults to "☸ "
Symbol string `yaml:"symbol"`
// ContextAliases is a map where keys are context names and values are the
// value we want to show. If the value is an empty string, we will not
// show anything.
ContextAliases map[string]string `yaml:"contextAliases"`
// ConfigFile is the path to the kubectl config file. Defaults to "~/.kube/config".
ConfigFile string `yaml:"configFile"`
// configFileContents is the contents of the kubectl config file. If this value
// is not empty, we'll use this as the contents of the kubectl config file instead
// of reading them from ConfigFile. This is used for unit testing.
configFileContents string

// kubernetesModuleData is the template variables returned by the KubernetesModule.
type kubernetesModuleData struct {
// OriginalContext is the raw "current-context" from the config file.
OriginalContext string
// Context is the context to display. If "OriginalContext" maps to a ContextAlias,
// this will be the alias, otherwise this will be the same as "OriginalContext".
Context string
// Namespace is the current namespace. If not namespace is set or is
// "default", this will be an empty string.
Namespace string

Note that we add a Type field to our module - we don't strictly need this, it's mainly there for the benefit of the JSON schema we're going to generate in just a minute.

We'll also define a kubectlConfig struct to make it easy to parse the config file - we won't go over that here, but you can go have a look at it in the actual Kubernetes module if you're curious.

Implement the Module interface​

Now that we have the basic data structures in place, we need to make KubernetesModule implement the Module interface. To do this, we write an Execute() function with the KubernetesModule as the receiver. This glosses over the loadConfigFile() function, but shows a typical Execute() function - Execute() takes in a context which is used to find out information about the current git repo or environment variables, and returns a ModuleResult. ModuleResult has a few optional fields, but the important ones are DefaultText which set the default text for this module if there is no template, and Data which contains any template variables generated by this module:

// Execute the module.
func (mod KubernetesModule) Execute(context *Context) ModuleResult {
text := ""
data := kubernetesModuleData{}

config := mod.loadConfigFile(context.Globals.Home)
if config != nil && config.CurrentContext != "" {
data.OriginalContext = config.CurrentContext

if alias, ok := mod.ContextAliases[config.CurrentContext]; ok {
data.Context = alias
} else {
data.Context = config.CurrentContext

// Find the context.
for _, context := range config.Contexts {
if context.Name == config.CurrentContext {
if context.Context.Namespace != "default" {
data.Namespace = context.Context.Namespace

if data.Context != "" {
text = mod.Symbol + data.Context

return ModuleResult{DefaultText: text, Data: data}

If you're interested in the internals of how this works, when we load modules from a configuration file, every module gets wrapped in a ModuleWrapper. The ModuleWrapper is the one that calls Execute() on our module, and then takes care of "common" things, like applying the style for the module, or rendering the template if there is one.

Registering the module​

Now that we have our module defined, we need to write an init() function that will register a factory for our module and a JSON schema. Generally we can generate the JSON schema automatically with the genSchema generator:

//go:generate go run ../genSchema/main.go --pkg schemas KubernetesModule

This will generate a schema for us in the modules/schemas package called KubernetesModuleJSONSchema. genSchema will work for most modules, but if you want to you have the option of hand-crafting your schema. You can also customize the output of genSchema via struct tags.

Now that we have our schema, we need to create a factory. The factory will be passed a YAML node, and needs to return a new instance of our module. This is a great place to set default values for your module. We register the schema and factory along with the name that will be used as the "type" of the module in a Kitsch config file:

func init() {
jsonSchema: schemas.KubernetesModuleJSONSchema,
factory: func(node *yaml.Node) (Module, error) {
module := KubernetesModule{
Type: "kubernetes",
Symbol: "☸ ",
ConfigFile: "~/.kube/config",
err := node.Decode(&module)
return &module, err


There are several helper functions available to unit test your module. moduleFromYAML() can be used to create an instance of your module from a YAML config block. newTestContext(username) can be used to generate a demo context with sensible default values and environment variables. A simple test for KubernetesModule might look something like:

func TestKubernetes(t *testing.T) {
mod := moduleFromYAML(heredoc.Doc(`
type: kubernetes

mod.configFileContents = []byte(heredoc.Doc(`
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- name: prod
cluster: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:00000000:cluster/my-prod-cluster
user: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:00000000:cluster/my-prod-cluster
current-context: prod

context := newTestContext("jwalton")
result := mod.Execute(context)

expectedData := kubernetesModuleData{
OriginalContext: "prod",
Context: "prod",
Namespace: "",

assert.Equal(t, expectedData, result.Data)
assert.Equal(t, "☸ prod", result.Text)