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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants​

A lot of this project came from Starship prompt, whether taking inspiration from the good bits, or "fixing" the bits I was dissatisfied with. Kitsch prompt would, especially, not be able to support all the different kinds of prompts it does without liberally borrowing fro Starship's initialization scripts. (Although if Starship didn't exist I might have written this in Rust. ;)

The default display for the current git repo is based heavily on posh-git and posh-git-sh.


If Kitsch Prompt seems like a cool idea, but you don't like the specifics of this project, you might want to check out:

  • Starship - A highly configurable cross-platform shell written in Rust.
  • Silver A powerline-style cross-platform shell written in Rust.
  • Spaceship Prompt - A prompt for ZSH, written in ZSH.
  • Robbyrussel Node - A prompt written in JavaScript.

Have a favorite prompt that's not listed here? Open a PR by clicking on "Edit this page" below!


To my mom, Deloranda, who was taken from us too soon, and to my daughter Oriana who was strong for me when I was supposed to be strong for her.