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The "project" module works out what kind of project the current folder represents, and displays the current tooling versions. This is done through the "projects" top-level configuration item in ${configdir}/kitsch.yaml. (If you're not sure where your configdir is, run kitsch configdir). Configuring projects in your config file means that if you have custom project types, they'll automatically apply to any theme you install. Let's have a look at one of the default project types:

- name: node
style: brightYellow
ifFiles: ["package.json"]
toolSymbol: Node
packageManagerSymbol: npm
type: custom
from: "node --version"
enabled: true
type: custom
from: "npm --version"
enabled: true
type: ancestorFile
from: package.json
template: "{{ .version }}"

Here we can see that each item in the the "projectTypes" list contains:

  • name - the name of this project type.
  • style - a default style to apply to the project. This can be overridden in the "project" module.
  • conditions - conditions for when to activate this project.
  • toolSymbol - the default symbol to show for this project type in the "project" module.
  • toolVersion - the "getter" (or a list of getters) to use to get the version of the tool. If this is a list, then each item in the list will be executed until one succeeds, or until all fail.
  • pacakgeManagerSymbol (optional) - the name of the package manager used (e.g. "npm").
  • packageManagerVersion - the "getter" (or a list of getters) to use to get the package manager version for this project type.
  • packageManagerSymbol and packageVersion (optional) - "getters" for the package manager version and the package version.
  • packageVersion - the "getter" (or a list of getters) to use to get the package version for this project.

A given folder may be ambiguous in terms of project type - for example if a folder contains a "package.json" and a "go.mod", should we treat it as a node project or as a go project? The "project" module will go through the list of project types, and will return the first one that matches - the order in projectTypes defines the precedence.

You can add your own project types. All the default project types will be automatically added in after any custom ones you define. You can also re-order the existing project types, or redefine them in part or in whole. This example will re-order project types so "node" takes precedence over "go", and both will take precedence over all other default project types (which will be added in after these):

- name: node
- name: go


Each project has a conditions section which specifies under what conditions the project is selected. See the conditions reference for a full list of conditions, but the ones most commonly used in a project are:

  • ifFiles: ["file1", "file2", "file3"] - The project type will be selected if one or more of the files is present in the current folder.
  • ifAncestorFiles: ["file1", "file2", "file3"] - The project type will be selected if one or more of the files is present in the current folder, or any folder higher up the directory hierarchy.
  • ifExtensions: ["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx"] - The project type will be selected if one or more of the extensions is present in the current folder.

Note that "ifFiles", "ifAncestorFiles", and "ifExtension" are "or"ed together - if any one of these conditions is met, the project type will be selected. The built-in project types do not use "ifAncestorFiles". Take for example a node.js project - we detect this kind of project by looking for a "package.json" file in the current folder, but not in ancestor folders. This means that if you're in a subdirectory of a node project, then the "project" module won't show that you're in a node project. This is considered an "acceptable performance tradeoff" - most of the time developers spend time in the root of a project anyways, since that's where you'd run make, npm test, go build, or whatever command you'd use to build or run your project. If you prefer to look in parent folders, you can easily override this behavior. For example adding this to "config.yaml" will fix this for node projects:

- name: node
ifAncestorFile: ["package.json"]


The tool, packageManager, and packageVersion all take a "getter" object that describes how to get an object. There are many different types of getters, but each is a { type, from, as, valueTemplate, regex, cache, conditions } object.

type and from together define the where the data will be fetched from:

  • {type: "custom", from: "npm --version"} will execute the command "npm --version", and use the output as the value (with leading and trailing whitespace removed).
  • {type: "file", from: "version.txt"} will load the contents of a file as the value, if the file exists. "from" is relative to the current folder, and may not start with "/" or contain "." or "..". Files may be located in subdirectories, in which case "/" should be used as a path delimiter, even on windows.
  • {type: "ancestorFile", from: "version.txt"} will attempt to locate the file "version.txt" in the current folder or any folder higher up the directory hierarchy.
  • {type: "env", from: "GCC_VERSION"} will get a value from an environment variable.

For any getter, you can also specify:

  • as: - how to interpret the retrieved value - one of text, json, toml, or yaml. For json, toml, or yaml, the file will be parsed and the results passed to the valueTemplate. For text, the valueTemplate will get a { Text } object. If as is specified and valueTemplate is not, then this getter will never return a value.
  • valueTemplate - A template used to render the value. Note that the valueTemplate is passed the parsed object from "as" - .Globals are not available in this template, nor are style functions.
  • regex - A regular expression used to extract a value - if there are any capturing groups in the regex, then the first capturing group will be returned. Otherwise, the matched text will be returned. If regex is specified, then as will be ignored. If both regex and valueTemplate are specified, then valueTemplate will be run after the regex.
  • cache - Caching only applies to "custom" getters. Thisis an { enabled, files } object.

An example of the regex option can be seen in this example to fetch the version from the go version command. This will print a value like "go version go1.17.1 darwin/amd64", and the regex will extract the "1.17.1" part:

- name: go
ifFiles: ["go.mod"]
ifExtensions: ["go"]
toolSymbol: go
type: "custom"
command: "go version"
regex: "go version go(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)"

If the "tool" getter returns an empty value or an error, the project will not be selected, even if it otherwise would have been. For security reasons, a "custom" getter will ignore "." in the PATH. For example, if the command is "npm --version", and there is an "npm" command in the current working directory, then "custom" will not run ./npm even if "." is in the PATH.


Caching is used to cache the results of running a command between executions. For example, in node.js, running npm --version takes about half a second - if we ran this command every time we wanted to show the prompt, then showing the prompt would take about half a second, which would be unacceptably slow. To get around this we cache the output of npm --version, but we need to know when to invalidate the cache, and that's where the cache section comes in.

If cache.enabled is true on a getter, then the getter will resolve the full path of the executable (following any sym-links), and then use the full path, the last modified date, the size of the command, and the arguments to the command as a cache key. If any of these values change, we'll invalidate the command. If cache.files is specified, then the full path, last modified date, and size of each of the specified files will be added to the cache key as well. File names in cache.files may start with "~", which will be replaced with the user's home directory, and may contain ${VAR} environment variable substitutions.

A good example of when you would need to specify cache.files is where you're using a shim-based version manager. For example, again in node.js, Volta is a popular tool for managing multiple versions of node.js, but it uses a "shim" for each executable, so when we try to lookup the location of npm, we will find it in ~/.volta/bin/npm. This executable never changes - when you run it, it works out which version of npm needs to be run and then goes and runs it. If we tried to use the Volta npm has a cache key, we'd never invalidate the cache. Instead, we can use something like this for volta:

  - type: custom
from: "volta which npm"
regex: "image/npm/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/bin"
enabled: true
- "./package.json"
- "${VOLTA_HOME}/tools/user/platform.json

Caches are written to the "cache" subfolder in your configuration directory.