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Common Module Configuration​

There are certain configuration items that are available on all modules:

  • style a the style string to apply to the entire module output.
  • template is a golang template used to render the result of the module.
  • timeout is the maximum amount of time the module is allowed to run, in milliseconds.

If the timeout of a block is exceeded, the module's output will be empty, and the template for the module will not be run. If you're using a template in a parent block, note especially that the module's .Data will be empty, too. If timeout is unspecified, then the default timeout will be set to the timeout value specified at the top-level of the config file, or 500ms if unspecified. Blocks are treated specially here - a block's default timeout is infinite.

If a module is a child of a "block" module, it can also have the following items:

  • id is an ID that uniquely identifies the module within the block. This can be used to reference a child module from within a template.
  • conditions is a set of conditions a module must meet in order to be shown.

TODO: Add documentation about templates here.


The "block" module is used to group a collection of modules together, and concatenate their results. By default, the block module will execute all child modules, then join together their output with " "s in between. Any child module that produces no output will be ignored.

join can be specified using a template, so you can control how child modules are joined together. The block module also allows you to combine output from multiple modules using a single template; the .Data.Modules object is a map where keys are the ids (or type for modules that don't specify an id) of child modules, and the values are the output from those modules. For example:

type: block
- type: hostname
- type: username
id: user
template: |
{{- printf "%s@%s" .Data.hostname.Hostname .Data.user.Username -}}

would print the hostname and username, joined by a "@".

Every module within a block can also specify a conditions section. The block will ignore any modules if their conditions are not met.


  • modules is an array of modules to show inside the block. Each module in modules may have an id, which is a string that will uniquely identify the module, and a conditions.
  • join="" is a template to use to join together modules. Note that if template is specified, the join parameter will be ignored. The join template will be passed the following parameters:
    • Globals are the global variables available in any template.
    • PrevColors is an {FG, BG} object containing color strings for the previous module's end style.
    • NextColors is an {FG, BG} object containing color strings for the next module's start style.
    • Index (int) is the index of the next module in the Modules array.


  • Modules is a map of results from executing each child module. The keys of this map are module IDs (or module types, for modules that have no ID). If a module does not have an ID, then the module's type will be used to index the module results. The values in this map are {Text, Data, StartStyle, EndStyle} objects, where Text is the default output from the module, Data is the output variables from the module, and StartStyle and EndStyle are each a {FG, BG} object containing the style of the first and last character of that module - these are based entirely on the module's declared Style, so if the module uses a template to style part of the string, these won't be reflected in FG and BG. Modules are always included in this map, even if they produced no output, but note that if a module times out, then Modules[id].Data will be an empty object.
  • ModuleArray is an array of results from executing each child module. Only modules that actually generated output will be included.


The "custom" module runs a command and returns the result. If the as parameter is specified as "json", "toml", or "yaml", then the output of the command will be parsed according to the specified format. In this case, you must provide a template parameter to extract the values you need out of the data.


  • command is the command to run (e.g. "docker --version").
  • as="text" indicates how the output should be interpreted. This must be one of "text", "json", "toml", or "yaml".
  • regex="" is a regular expression used to parse values out of the result of the getter (e.g. "^Docker version (.), build .$"). If specified, then "as" will be ignored.
  • cache={ enabled: false } controls caching. If cache.enabled is true, then the module will resolve the full path of the executable (following any sym-links), and then use the full path, the last modified date, the size of the command, and the arguments as a cache key. Caches are written to the "cache" subfolder in your configuration directory. Caching means that, if we're interested in what version of npm is installed, we only need to run npm --version if and when the npm executable changes.


The .Data value returned from a custom module depends on the as configuration. If as is "text", then .Data will be a { Text: [string] } object, containing the text returned from the command (with leading and trailing whitespace automatically stripped). If as is any other value, then the .Data object will be the parsed results of the output. For example if as="json", and the returned value was '{"foo": "bar"}', then would be "bar".


The "command_duration" module shows the amount of time the previous command took to execute.


  • minTime=2000 the minimum duration to show, in milliseconds.
  • showMilliseconds=false if true, show to millisecond precision instead of to second precision.


  • Duration (int64) is the duration the command took, in milliseconds.
  • PrettyDuration (string) is the duration the command took, in a human-readable format (e.g. "3m21s").


The "directory" module shows the current working directory. In the default configuration, the directory module will truncate the path if you are more than three directories deep. For example, if you were in "/tmp/foo/bar/baz/qux", ths would show …/bar/baz/qux. On windows machines, the volume will always be shown (e.g. C:\…\bar\baz\qux). If you are currently in a git directory, everything before the root of the git directory will be stripped.


  • homeSymbol="~" is the symbol to replace the home directory with when you are in a subdirectory.
  • readOnlySymbol="🔒" is the symbol to append to the directory if it is read-only.
  • truncateToRepo=true controls whether or not we truncate to the root of a source code repository. If this is true, and you are in a git repo, we'll remove everything before the root of the source code repository, and prepend RepoSymbol.
  • repoSymbol="" is a string that will be added as a prefix when we truncate to a repo.
  • truncationLength=3 is the maximum number of directories to show. If 0, truncation will be disabled.
  • truncationSymbol="…" will be added to the start of the string in place of any paths that were removed.


  • Path (string) is the path that will be shown to the user.
  • PathSeparator (string) is the system defined path separator.
  • ReadOnly (boolean) is true if the current directory is read-only.
  • ReadOnlySymbol (string) is the same as ReadOnlySymbol from the module configuration.


The "file" module reads a file and uses the contents to produce an output. The configuration and outputs of the "file" module are identical to the "custom" module, except that instead of the command option, there is a file option which gives the path to the file to read. Thi should be the name of a file in the current folder, or the relative path of a file in a subdirectory of the current folder.


The git_diverged module reports whether the current git repo is ahead, behind, up-to-date with, or diverged from the upstream branch.

By default:

  • If this folder is not a git repo, this will return an empty string.
  • If there is no upstream branch, this will return "?".
  • If we are up-to-date with the upstream, this will return "≡".
  • If we are ahead of the upstream, this will return "↑X" (where X is the number of commits we are ahead).
  • If we are behind the upstream, this will return "↓Y".
  • If we have diverged from the upstream, this will return "↑X ↓Y".


  • aheadSymbol="↑" is the symbol to use if we are ahead of the upstream.
  • behindSymbol="↓" is the symbol to use if we are behind the upstream.
  • divergedSymbol="↕" is the symbol to use if we have diverged from the upstream. Note that this is unused in the default output - we print the ahead and behind count.
  • upToDateSymbol="≡" is the symbol to use when we are up-to-date with the upstream.
  • noUpstreamSymbol="?" is the symbol to show when there is no upstream. This will be used both in the case where the local branch has no upstream, and also when the HEAD is detached.


  • Upstream (string) is the name of the upstream branch, or "" if none.
  • Ahead (int) is how many commits the local branch is ahead of the upstream.
  • Behind (int) is how many commits the local branch is behind the upstream.
  • Symbol (string) is the aheadSymbol, behindSymbol, divergedSymbol, upToDateSymbol, or noUpstreamSymbol.
  • AheadBehind (string) is the empty string if not in a git repo, or is one of "ahead", "behind", "diverged", or "upToDate" (this will be "upToDate" if there is no upstream).


The flexible_space module adds a variable-width space to a line. The space will grow to use as many characters as possible without causing the current line to wrap. This can be used to split a prompt into a portion printed on the left side of the terminal and a second portion printed on the right side. You can put multiple flexible_spaces on a single line, in which case the available space will be split evenly between them (you could use two flexible_spaces to center some text, for example).


The git_head module returns information about the HEAD of the current git repo. The default output is the Description from the Outputs section below.


  • maxTagsToSearch=200 - The maximum number of tag objects to search. Searching tags, especially annotated tags, can be costly, so in large repos setting this too high could result in the prompt taking too long to display. Setting this to 0 will disable searching tags entirely. Setting this to a negative value will search tags until a match is found or until we run out of tags.


  • Description (string) a description of the head. Description will be empty if the current folder is not a git repo. If the HEAD is not detached, then this will be the name of the branch we are currently on. If the head is detached, this will be the base branch name if we are in the middle of a rebase or merge, the tag name if the head is at a tag, or the short hash otherwise.
  • Detached (bool) is true if the head is detached.
  • Hash (string) is the current hash of the HEAD, or an empty string if not in a git repo.
  • ShortHash (string) is the short version of Hash.
  • Upstream (string) is the name of the upstream branch, or the empty string if there isn't an upstream.


The git_state module returns the state of the current git repo. For example, if you are in the middle of an interactive rebase, and you're on the second commit of four, this will return "REBASE-i 2/4". If the current folder is not a git repo, or if we're not in the middle of a rebase, merge, etc..., this will return the empty string. The default configuration is based on posh-git and posh-git-sh.


  • rebasingInteractive="REBASE-i" is the string to show when an interactive rebase in in progress.
  • rebaseMerging="REBASE-m" is the string to show when a merge in in progress.
  • rebasing="REBASE" is the string to show when a rebase operation in in progress.
  • aming="AM" is the string to show when an am operation in in progress.
  • rebaseAMing="REBASE/AM" is the string to show when an ambiguous apply-mailbox or rebase is in progress.
  • merging="MERGING" is the string to show when a merge in in progress.
  • cherryPicking="CHERRY-PICKING" is the string to show when a cherry-pick in in progress.
  • reverting="REVERTING" is the string to show when a revert in in progress.
  • bisecting="BISECTING is the string to show when a bisect in in progress.


  • State (string) is the state string.
  • Step (string) is the current step.
  • Total (string) is the total number of steps, or "" if we're not in the middle of a multi-step operation.


The git_status module shows information about the status of the current git repo. The default output of this module is based on posh-git and posh-git-sh. If you're in a git repo that has changes, the output will be something like:

+A ~B -C !D | +E ~F -G


  • +A is the number of unstaged new files.
  • ~B is the number of unstaged modified files.
  • -C is the number of unstaged removed files.
  • !D is the number of unmerged/conflicting files.
  • +E is the number of staged new files.
  • ~F is the number of staged modified files.
  • -G is the number of staged removed files.

The number of unmerged paths is not shown if it is 0. The "unstaged" and "staged" halves of this are also hidden if all values are zero. By default, unstaged counts are shown in red an staged in green, to mimic the output colors of git status.


  • indexStyle (string) is the style to use for the staged status.
  • unstagedStyle (string) is the style to use for the unstaged file status.
  • stashStyle (string) is the style to use for the stash count.


  • Index is a { Added, Modified, Deleted, Total } object. Each is an int representing the number of staged files in that state.
  • Unstaged is a { Added, Modified, Deleted, Total } object. Each is an int representing the number of unstaged files in that state.
  • Unmerged (int) is the total number of unmerged paths in the git repo.
  • StashCount (int) is the number of stashes in the git repo.

Output Example:

"Unstaged": { "Added": 0, "Modified": 0, "Deleted": 0, "Total": 0 },
"Index": { "Added": 0, "Modified": 0, "Deleted": 0, "Total": 0 },
"Unmerged": 0,
"StashCount": 0


The hostname module shows the current hostname. By default, this will only display anything if the user is currently logged in via SSH.


  • showAlways=false will cause the hostname to always be shown. If false, then the hostname will only be shown if the current session is an SSH session.


  • Hostname (string) is the current hostname.
  • IsSSH (bool) is true if this is an SSH session, false otherwise.
  • Show (bool) is true if we should show the hostname, false otherwise.


The jobs module shows the current count of running background jobs. If the number of running jobs is greater than or equal to SymbolThreshold then the Symbol will be shone. If the number is greater than or equal to CountThreshold then the count of running jobs will be shown.


  • symbol="+" is the symbol to show when there are background jobs.
  • symbolThreshold=1 is the threshold for showing the symbol.
  • countThreshold=2 is the threshold for showing the count of background jobs.


  • Jobs (int) is the count of running jobs.
  • ShowSymbol (bool) is true if the symbol should be shown.
  • ShowCount (bool) is true if the count should be shown.


The project module works out what kind of project the current folder represents, and displays the current tooling versions. This is done through the "projects" top-level configuration item in ${configdir}/kitsch.yaml.

The default output of the project module will be something like "w/[email protected]" or "w/[email protected]".

Each project has a unique style associated with it; the style comes from the style field in the projects map in this module. If none is specified, then it falls back to the defaultProjectStyle in this module. If that is also unspecified, then the style will be taken from teh top-level projects configuration.


  • projects is a map where keys are project names, and values are { style, toolSymbol, packageManagerSymbol } objects, which can be used to provide a custom style and symbols for existing projects on a theme-by-theme basis.
  • defaultProjectStyle is the style to use if no project-specific style is specified in projects. If this is also unspecified, we will fall back to the style specified in the top level projects configuration.


  • Name (string) is the name of the matched project type.
  • ToolSymbol (string) is the symbol for this project's build tool.
  • ToolVersion (string) is the version of this project's build tool
  • PackageManagerSymbol (string) is the symbol for this project's package manager, or "" if unavailable.
  • ProjectStyle (string) is the style for this project, or "" if none.
  • PackageManagerVersion (string) is the version of the package manager, or "" if unavailable.
  • PackageVersion (string) is the version of the package in the current folder, or "" if unavailable.


The prompt module displays a "$", or a "#" if the current user is root.


  • prompt="$ " is what to display as the prompt.
  • rootPrompt="# " is what to display as the prompt if the current user is root.
  • rootStyle="" will be used in place of style if the current user is root. If this style is empty, will fall back to style.
  • viCmdPrompt=": " is what to display as the prompt if the shell is in vicmd mode.
  • vicmdStyle="" will be used in place of style when the shell is in vicmd mode.
  • errorStyle="" will be used in place of style when the previous command failed.


  • PromptString (string) is the chosen prompt string, before styling.
  • PromptStyle (string) is the chosen prompt style.
  • ViCmdMode (bool) is true if the shell is in vicmd mode (when `.Globals.Keymap == "vicmd").


The text module shows some text.


  • text="" is the text to show.


  • Text (string) is the text to show.


The time module shows the current time.


  • layout="15:04:05" is the format to show the time in. Layout defines the format by showing how the reference time, defined to be Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006. The default, "15:04:05" shows the time in 24-hour time. See the Go time package for more details.


  • Time (time.Time) is the current time, as a time.Time object.
  • Unix (int64) is the number of seconds since the Unix epoch.
  • TimeStr (string) is the current time as a formatted string.


The username module shows the current user's username. By default, this will only display anything if the user is currently logged in via SSH. The username is looked up by first checking the USER environment variable. If this is empty, the user will be looked up from the OS.


  • showAlways=false will cause the hostname to always be shown. If false, then the hostname will only be shown if the current session is an SSH session.
  • rootStyle="" will be used in place of style if the current user is root. If this style is empty, will fall back to style.


  • Username (string) is the current user's username.
  • IsSSH (bool) is true if this is an SSH session, false otherwise.
  • Show (bool) is true if we should show the hostname, false otherwise.